




孔德鑫,华南农业大学生命科学学院教授。主要从事玉米避荫反应与耐密理想株型的关键调控基因克隆、玉米茎秆抗倒伏关键基因挖掘与分子调控网络解析及遗传改良、玉米穗型与育性发育的分子机制研究。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研究计划项目子任务,科技创新2030农业生物育种重大项目子课题(任务)、广东省自然科学基金项目等多项课题。主要参与国家自然基金重点项目(第二参与人、广东省自然基金面上项目多项。发表 SCI 论文 20多篇,中文核心期刊论文收录论文60多篇,获得授权专利10多项。







  1. 国家自然基金面上项目,ZmSPL28调控玉米叶夹角和叶片直立的分子机制,2024-01-2027-12; 50万,在研,主持;

  2. 国家重点研究计划项目,玉米高产优质性状形成的分子调控网络及其协同改良机制,2021-12-2026-12,课题骨干,获得200万经费支持;

  3. 科技创新2030农业生物育种重大项目子课题,耐密、矮杆玉米种质创新与利用,2022-12-2023-12110万,子课题负责人,结题;

  4. 国家基金委,国家自然基金面上项目,玉米避荫反应和耐密株型调控网络解析,2022-012026-12282万元,第二参与人;

  5. 广东省科学技术厅,广东省重点研发计划项目,“现代种业”重大专项,粮油作物多组学育种技术原始创新与重大品种选育,2022-012026-121500万,在研,课题骨干;

  6. 广东省科学技术厅,面上项目,ZmSPL28调控玉米耐密株型建成的分子遗传网络解析,2022-012026-1215万,在研,主持

  7. 广东省科学技术厅,面上项目,ZmSPL10/14/26 调控玉米叶片表皮毛和气孔命运决定的分子机制,2022-012024-1210万元, 在研, 主持;

  8. 广东省科学技术厅,面上项目,玉米 UB2/UB3-TB1-GT1遗传通路控制植株分蘖和多果穗形成的机理解析,2019-102022-0910万元, 结题, 主持;

  9. 广东省科学技术厅,面上项目,拟南芥光信号蛋白PIFsFHY3/FAR1介导遮荫对气孔发育的调控机理研究,2019-102022-0910万元, 结题, 第二参与;

  10. 广东省教育厅,高等学校高层次人才项目,玉米ZmPIF-miR156模块调控避荫反应的机理解析,2019-012019-128万元, 结题, 第二参与。


  1. Kong D#, Jing Y#, Duan Y#, He M, Ding H, Li H, Zhong Z, Zheng Z, Fan X, Pan X, Li Y, Bai M, Li X, Luo M, Xue W, Zhang X, Xu X, Yuan Y, Zou T, Chen L, Ding W, Zhao Y, Wang B, Wu H, Liu Q*, Wang H*, ZmSPL10, ZmSPL14 and ZmSPL26 act together to promote stigmatic papilla formation in maize through regulating auxin signaling and ZmWOX3A expression. New Phytologist. 2024, 243: 1870-1886.

  2. Kong D#, Li C#, Xue W#, Wei H#, Ding H, Hu G, Zhang X, Zhang G, Zou T, Xian Y, Wang B, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Xie Y, Xu M, Wu H, Liu Q, Wang H. UB2/UB3/TSH4-anchored transcriptional networks regulate early maize inflorescence development in response to simulated shade. The Plant Cell. 2023, 35: 717-737.

  3. Yang J, Wei H, Hou M, Chen L, Zou T, Ding H, Jing Y, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Liu Q, Heng Y, Wu H, Wang B, Kong D*, Wang H*. ZmSPL13 and ZmSPL29 act together to promote vegetative and reproductive transition in maize. New Phytologist. 2023, 239: 1505-1520.

  4. Xie Y, Zhao Y, Chen L, Wang Y, Xue W, Kong D, Li C, Zhou L, Li H, Zhao Y, Wang B, Xu M, Zhao B, Bilska-Kos A, Wang H. ZmELF3.1 integrates the RA2-TSH4 module to repress maize tassel branching. New Phytologist. 2023, 241(1):490-503.

  5. Kong D#, Pan X#, Jing Y#, Zhao Y, Duan Y, Yang J, Wang B, Liu Y, Shen R, Cao Y, Wu H, Wei H, Wang H. ZmSPL10/14/26 are required for epidermal hair cell fate specification on maize leaf. New Phytologist. 2021, 230:1533-1549.

  6. Li Y, Tan B, Cen Z, Fu Y, Zhu X, He H, Kong D*, Wu H*. The variation in essential oils composition, phenolic acids and flavonoids is correlated with changes in antioxidant activity during Cinnamomum loureirii bark growth. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2021, 14:103249.

  7. Kong D#, Wang B#, Wang H*. UPA2 and ZmRAVL1: Promising targets of genetic improvement of maize plant architecture. Journal Integrative Plant Biology. 2020, 62(4):394-397.

  8. Li Y#, Kong D#, Bai M, He H, Wang H, Wu H. Correlation of the temporal and spatial expression patterns of HQT with the biosynthesis and accumulation of chlorogenic acid in Lonicera japonica flowers. Horticulture Research. 2019 (6):73.

  9. Li Y#, Kong D#, Fu Y, Sussman M R, Wu H. The effect of developmental and environmental factors on secondary metabolites in medicinal plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020, 148: 80-89.

  10. Kong D#, Li Y#, Bai M, He H, Liang G, Wu H. Correlation between the dynamic accumulation of the main effective components and their associated regulatory enzyme activities at different growth stages in Lonicera japonica Thunb. Industrial Crops and Products. 2017, 96: 16-22.

  11. Kong D#, Li Y, Bai M, Deng Y, Liang G, Wu H. A comparative study of the dynamic accumulation of polyphenol components and the changes in their antioxidant activities in diploid and tetraploid Lonicera japonica. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017, 112: 87-96.

  12. Li Y, Kong D#, Wu H. Comparison of the alkaloid content and essential oil composition of Mahonia species as measured by HPLC and GC-MS methods. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 2018, 41: 765-774.

  13. Li Y, Kong D#, Liang H, Wu H. Alkaloid content and essential oil composition of Mahonia breviracema cultivated under different light environments. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality. 2018, 91: 171-179.

  14. Kong D#, Li Y, Wang M, Bai M, Zou R, Tang H, Wu H. Effects of light intensity on leaf photosynthetic characteristics, chloroplast structure, and alkaloid content of Mahonia bodinieri (Gagnep.) Laferr. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2016, 38:120.

  15. Li Y, Kong D#, Wu H. Comprehensive chemical analysis of the flower buds of five Lonicera species by ATR-FTIR, HPLC-DAD, and chemometric methods. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia. 2018, 28: 533-541.

  16. Yang J, Li C, Kong D, Guo F, Wei H. Light-Mediated Signaling and Metabolic Changes Coordinate Stomatal Opening and Closure. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020, 4, 11:601478.

  17. Wei H, Kong D, Yang J, Wang H. Light Regulation of Stomatal Development and Patterning: Shifting the Paradigm from Arabidopsis to Grasses. Plant Communications. 2020, 1, 100030.

  18. Liu Y, Wei H, Ma M, Sun J, Kong D, Ma X, Wang H, Xie Y, Chen C, Wang B. Arabidopsis FHY3 and FAR1 regulate the balance between growth and defense responses under shade conditions. Plant Cell. 2019, 31(9): 2089-2106.

  19. Wang B, Lin Z, Li X, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Wu G, Ma X, Wang H, Xie Y, Li Q, Song G, Kong D, Wei H, Shen R, Wu H, Chen C, Meng Z, Wang T, Li Y, Li X, Chen Y, Lai J, Hufford M B, Ross-Ibarra J, He H, Wang H. Genome-wide selection and genetic improvement during modern maize breeding. Nature Genetics. 2020, 52: 565-571.

  20. Li Y, Kong D, Wu H. Analysis and evaluation of essential oil components of cinnamon barks using GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy. Industrial Crops and Products. 2013, 41, 269–278.

  21. Li Y, Kong D, Huang R, Liang H, Xu C, Wu H. Variations in essential oil yield and composition of different development stages of C. cassia. Industrial Crops and Products. 2013, 47, 92-101.

  22. Li Y, Kong D, Lin X, Xie Z, Bai M, Huang S, Nian H, Wu H. Quality evaluation for essential oil of Cinnamomum verum leaves at different growth stages based on GC-MS, FTIR and microscopy. Food Analytical Methods. 2016, 9, 202-212.


  1. 2014年度广西科学技术奖二等奖(省部级),第六完成人;

  2. 2015年度广西科学院科学技术一等奖(厅局级),第一完成人;

  3. 2015年度广西科学院科学技术一等奖(厅局级),第四完成人;

  4. 2016年度广西科学院科学技术一等奖(厅局级),第一完成人;

  5. 2022 年度北京市自然科学奖二等奖(省部级),第六完成人


  1. 王海洋; 王宝宝; 魏洪彬; 赵永平; 孔德鑫; 谢钰容; 调控玉米开花期的基因、启动子及其应用, 2021-4-23, 中国, 201910272796.9

  2. 王海洋; 孔德鑫; 魏洪彬; 王宝宝; 赵永平; 刘宇婷; 赵斌斌; 李全权; 薛伟聪;UB2/UB3基因在调控玉米多果穗发育中的应用, 2021-8-31, 中国, 201910803890.2

  3. 王海洋; 赵斌斌; 王宝宝; 赵永平; 谢钰容; 孔德鑫; 李全权; 李耀耀; ZmSBP12基因在调控玉米抗旱性、株高及穗位高中的用途, 2022-7-22, 中国, 202010232213.2

  4. 王海洋; 王宝宝; 郑智刚; 卓楚云; 孔德鑫; 徐妙云; 谢钰容; 调控玉米根系夹角和倒伏抗性的基因及其应用, 2022-4-22, 中国, CN202210423670.9

  5. 王海洋; 孔德鑫; 魏洪彬; 王宝宝; 谢钰容; 盘璇; 景艺峰; 刘宇婷; 赵永平; ZmSBP14ZmSBP10ZmSBP26基因在调控玉米气孔发育中的用途, 2019-10-22, 中国, 201911007878.7

  6. 王海洋; 魏洪彬; 孔德鑫; 赵永平; 王宝宝; 段亚平; 赵斌斌; 刘宇婷; 李全权 ; ZmSPL 基因在调控玉米柱头乳突细胞发育中的应用, 2019-10-17, 中国, 201910989830.4

  7. 王海洋; 魏洪彬; 孔德鑫; 谢钰容; 苟亚军; 赵永平; 王宝宝; 刘扬; 赵斌斌; 景艺峰; 沈荣鑫; ZmSPL基因在调控玉米冠根或气生根发育中的应用, 2019-10-17, 中国, 201910989836.1

  8. 王海洋; 郭芳燕; 魏洪彬; 孔德鑫; 李春连; 薛伟聪; GT1基因在调控玉米雄花序性别决定和/或多果穗发育中的应用,2022-01-28,中国,ZL 20221109362.9

  9. 王海洋; 赵永平; 王宝宝; 谢钰容; 孔德鑫; 刘扬; 具有调控植物开花期功能的ZmELF3.1蛋白及其功能缺失突变体和应用,2019-07-04中国,201910601083.2

  10. 王海洋; 孔德鑫; 魏洪彬; 王宝宝; 赵斌斌; 沈荣鑫; 段亚平; 景艺峰; 薛伟聪; ZmSBP28基因在调控玉米株型中的用途,2019-10-22, 中国,ZL20191 1008537.1

  11. 王海洋; 陈家欢; 李耀耀; 赵永平; 赵斌斌; 王宝宝; 孔德鑫; 糖基转移酶ZmKOB1基因及其在调控玉米雌穗结实性状或发育上的应用,2021-06-11, 202110653667.1