Dr. Wei Gong (Wendy)

College of Life Sciences,
South China Agricultural University,

Guangzhou, Guangdong 510642, China



  • Visiting Ph.D. (Botany)

COS, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2006

  • Ph.D. (Botany)

College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, China, 2007

  • B.S. (Forestry)

Southwest University, China, 1998

Professional Biography

Dr. Wei Gong got her Ph.D. degree in Zhejiang University, 2007, and visited Heidelberg University from 2006 to 2007. The major research is to investigate the biogeography and demography of plant species in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in southern China or with disjunct distribution in Northern Hemisphere. Various genomic techniques and data analysis methods are used. Interest also exists in other aspects of plant evolutionary biology.

Area of Expertise

Botany, Philogeography, Biogeography, Evolution, Genomics

Selected Publications

1. Zhou J, Liu WZ, Kong HH*, Gong W* (2018) Identification and characterization of microsatellites in Aconitum reclinatum (Ranunculaceae), a rare species endemic to North America. Applications in Plant Sciences, 6: e1161.

2. Liu WZ, Kong HH, Zhou J, Fritsch  PW, Hao G*, Gong W* (2018) Complete Chloroplast Genome of Cercis chuniana (Fabaceae) with Structural and Genetic Comparison to Six Species in Caesalpinioideae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 1286, doi:10.3390/ijms19051286. * Corresponding author.

3. Kong HH, Liu WZ, Yao G, Gong W* (2017) Characterization of the whole chloroplast genome of a rare and endangered species Aconitum reclinatum (Ranunculaceae) in the United States. Conservation Genet Resour, DOI 10.1007/s12686-017-0789-y. * Corresponding author.

4. Kong HH, Liu WZ, Yao G, Gong W* (2017) A comparison of chloroplast genome sequences in Aconitum (Ranunculaceae): a traditional herbal medicinal genus. PeerJ, Doi 0.7717/peerj.4018. * Corresponding author.

5. Gong W, Liu WZ, Gu L, Kaneko S, Koch MA, Zhang DX (2016) From glacial refugia to wide distribution  range: demographic expansion of Loropetalumchinense   (Hamamelidaceae) in Chinese subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 16: 23–38.

6. Gong W, Liu Y, Chen J, Hong Y, Kong HH(2016) DNA barcodes identify Chinese medicinal plants and detect  geographical patternsof Sinosenecio (Asteraceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54: 83–91.

7. Gong W, Duan TT, Zhang DX (2012) Development of microsatellite markers from Cercis chinensis (Fabaceae). American  Journal of Botany 99: e337–e339.

8. Gong W, Gu L, Zhang DX (2010) Low genetic diversity and high genetic divergence caused by inbreeding and geographical isolation in the populations of endangered species Loropetalum subcordatum (Hamamelidaceae) endemic to China. Conservation Genetics11: 2281–2288.