AssociateProf. Shejian Liang (Circle)

Collegeof Life Sciences,
South China Agricultural University,

Guangzhou,Guangdong 510642, China
Tel: +86-20-38294509(O)
E-mail: liangshejian


  • Ph.D.(Botany)

SouthChina Agricultural University (SCAU), China, 2006

  • B.S.(Medicinal Plant)

NorthwestUniversity, China, 2001


Dr.Shejian Liang has been employed as an associate professor in SCAUsince 2013. In 2014, He worked as visiting scholar in University ofCalifornia Berkeley for a year. He has been a high level talent ofJiangmen Xinhui District, chief expert of Chenpi think tank of XinhuiNational Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, vice president ofJiangmen Alumni Association of South China Agricultural University.Since 2002, he has been mainly engaged in the research on thestructure and development of medicinal plants and their relationshipwith the accumulation of effective ingredients.

Areaof Expertise

Medicinalplant; Structure and development; Effective ingredients; Citrus


  1. LiangShejian,WuHong, Lun Xuan, Lu Dongwen. Secretory Cavity Development and ItsRelationship with Accumulation of Essential Oil in the Fruits ofCitrusmedicaL. var.Sarcodactylis(Noot.) Swingle. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48(5):573-583

  2. LiangShejian,Wang haiyang, Yang ming, Wu hong. Sequential actions of pectinasesand cellulases during secretory cavity formation in Citrusfruits. Trees-Structureand Function,2009, 23: 19-27

  3. LiangShejian,Li Zengqi, Li Xiaojuan, Xie Hongguang, Zhu Rongsheng, Lin Jinxing,Xie Huaan, Wu hong. Effectsof stem structural characters and silicon content on lodgingresistance in rice (Oryzasativa L.).Research on Crops. 2013, 14 (3):621-636

  4. LiangShejian,Liang Jintang, Wu hong. 3Dreconstruction of secretory cavity in Citrusfruit.ITME, 2012, 8: 756-759

  5. LiangShejian ,Wu hong. Structure, Development and Function of Secretory Cavity inCitrusFruits. In Slaker D A: Citrus Fruits: Properties, Consumption andNutrition. Nova Science Publishers, 2010, pp 36-46

6. Liang Shejian*,Zheng Ping, Gao Han, Li Keke.Energydispersive X-ray spectroscopyof HMG-CoA synthetase during essential oil biosynthesispathway in Citrusgrandis.LectureNotes in Electrical Engineering, 2013, 269: 3053-3058

7. Liu Peiwei,Liang Shejian,Yao Nan, Wu hong. Programmedcell death of secretory cavity cells in fruits of Citrusgrandiscv. Tomentosa is associated with activation.Trees-Structure and Function,2012,26: 1821-1835

8. Li Zengqi, Tang Tiexin, Liang Shejian,Ning Xiping, Bai Mei, Wu Hong. The Synthesis and Storage Sites ofPhenolic Compounds in the Root and Rhizome of Echinaceapurpurea. American Journal ofPlant Sciences, 2012, 3: 551-558

9. Zhang Jin-xian, Ruan Guan, LiangShejian *.Lodgingresistance of stems in rice (Oryzasativa L.).Plant Diseases and Pests, 2012,3(2): 1-5