Prof.Mei Hong
Collegeof Life Sciences
South China Agricultural University,
Guangzhou,Guangdong 510642, China
Tel: +86-20-85280901(O)
Ph.D.(Molecular Biology), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, 2004
B.S.(Chemistry), Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 1996
Dr.Mei Hong receivedher post-doctoral training at The ErnestMarioSchool of Pharmacy, Rutgers University (USA) from 2004-2006 and laterat The Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University (USA)from 2007-2009. She returned to China in 2009 and worked as a fullprofessor at South China Agricultural University ever since.
Areaof Interest
Thecurrent research interests of Dr. Hong’s laboratory include theregulation and structure-function relationship study of uptake drugtransporters, especially the OATP family members; the role ofmembrane proteins in response to environmental stimuli; and theregulation of drug transporters and their roles in veterinarymedicine ADME.
LinX,XiangZ,WangB,ChenH,ZhouT,HongM*(2019)Interaction of swine organic anion transporting polypeptide 1a2 withtetracycline, macrolide and β-lactam antibiotics. ToxicolAppl Pharmacol. 379:114649.doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2019.114649.
WangX,ChenJ,XuS,NiC,FangZ,HongM*(2019)Amino-terminal region of human organic anion transportingpolypeptide 1B1 dictates transporter stability and substrateinteraction. ToxicolAppl Pharmacol.378:114642. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2019.114642.
FangZ,HuangJ,ChenJ,XuS,XiangZ,HongM*(2018)Transmembranedomain 1 of human organic anion transporting polypeptide 2B1 isessential for transporter function and stability.MolPharmacol.94(2):842-849. doi: 10.1124/mol.118.111914.
XiangZ, LiW,WangL,YiJ,ChenK,HongM*(2018) Identificationof a NFκBinhibition site on the proximal promoter region of human organicanion transporting polypeptide 1A2 coding gene SLCO1A2.DrugMetab Dispos.46(5):643-651.
NiC,YuX,FangZ,HuangJ,HongM*(2017)Oligomerizationstudy of human organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1.MolPharmceutic.14(2):359- 367.
HongM (2017)Biochemicalstudies on the structure-function relationship of major drugtransporters in the ATP-binding cassette family and solute carrierfamily.AdvDrug Deliv Rev.116(2017): 3-20.
HongW,WuZ,FangZ,HuangJ,HuangH,HongM*(2015) Aminoacid residues in the putative transmembrane domain 11 of humanorganic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 dictate transportersubstrate binding, stability, and trafficking. MolPharmaceut.12(12):4270-4276.
HongM*, Hong W, NiC, Huang J, Zhou C (2015) Protein kinase C affects theinternalization and recycling of organic anion transportingpolypeptide 1B1. BiochimBiophys Acta. 1848(10 PtA):2022-2030.